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12-08-2013, 08:32 AM
Congrats KD. Sad to say but that is not the norm in our current society.

12-08-2013, 09:10 AM
KD I have made it 49 years to the same woman through her 5 closets of clothes and my basement shop, with 8 presses and other assorted equipment. I don't shoot as much as I once did but it is not because of her. I still get the look at times when the brown truck shows up with a new barrel but she doesn't say anything anymore. You know you can learn to live with a tooth ache if you have it long enough.

12-08-2013, 09:25 AM
KD I have made it 49 years to the same woman through her 5 closets of clothes and my basement shop, with 8 presses and other assorted equipment. I don't shoot as much as I once did but it is not because of her. I still get the look at times when the brown truck shows up with a new barrel but she doesn't say anything anymore. You know you can learn to live with a tooth ache if you have it long enough.

Some words of wisdom here.
49 years?!?!? if add all of mine up I can't get that. God bless...

When my wife squawks about the big brown truck coming by 3 - 4 times in a week, I play the dumb act which isn't hard for me to do sometimes.
When she screeches "Are you listening to me?" - I blame my hearing loss / tinnitus.

Ps - A lot of us are at that age where we don't shoot much.

12-08-2013, 08:29 PM
You're right, kd.

Hey, it ain't just us, either. I know of women who have entire closets dedicated to shoes.


For crying out loud, what's wrong with these women?

I got lucky in that resect foxx. I have way more pairs of boots then she does shoes. Now if you want to talk about Coca cola crap hanging on the wall. She takes the cake. We both give and take at this point. If she gets to the point were she starts nagging about "The Brown Santa (UPS)" showing up to often. I just make it a point to order something little for her mustang and schedule the delivery when we are both home then egg an uprising out of her. Once she has thoroughly exploded I toss her the box and sit back and laugh, but to each his own. My way works for me and I usually get a good laugh out of it. Then end up installing whatever "do dad" I have bought. Now what I would like to hear is what works for you "Experienced" guys that have 20+ years married. Us "Rookies" are doomed to repeat your mistakes if you don't teach us your history.

12-08-2013, 09:04 PM
I joke with mine and tell her women like stuff like jewelry, and all you can do is look at it. At least we can actually do something the stuff we like.

12-08-2013, 11:13 PM
This might not work with everyone, but when I decided I HAD to have a .260, I convinced her it was for her.

She fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

That's not entirely, true... I just like to pretend I am foolin' with her. In truth, I am really a lucky guy. She supports and encourages my shooting sports and hunting very well. I did get her a .260, but it was an honest attempt to find her something she can shoot that was different that what I already had. I am in the process of building her a nice .260AI. I used to shoot archery competitively, after a while she got into it, too. We've had a lot of fun together. Of course, I take the lead, but the shooting sports have been something we both enjoy as a couple.

You know you got a good thing going when you tell your wife you plan to go deer hunting in the morning, and, after sleeping in, she wakes you and proceeds to scold you for not getting up and going!

12-09-2013, 05:23 PM
I would buy several loading manuals including the manufacturer of whichever bullets you plan on loading. Yes there is hazmat fee for buying powder on the internet. Better if you can find locally. Read absorb and make sure you are not distracted while reloading.

Good od luck to you Tim

12-10-2013, 03:51 PM
What I always tell people who ask about it,is how much do you plan on shooting...

If it isn't more than a couple box's per year,it's a waste of time,and money...

But if it's going to be a new hobby,then dive into it,head first.....