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View Full Version : Any step by step articles?

08-16-2013, 03:38 PM
Over the past few months I've been doing my home work and am ready to begin my first build, at least I think I am ready. Something there seems to be lacking on the internet is step by step builds for custom savages. I've seen only a handful of articles such as http://www.westernshooter.com/2009/12/how-to-build-or-rebarrel-savage-rifle.html, http://www.predatormastersforums.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2095644, and the incomplete "how to make a sniper cry" thread on this site.

So my real question is, does anybody have some good links for me to read on thorough custom builds?

08-16-2013, 05:03 PM
If you use the search function in most of the gun forums you'll find threads posted by guys that have done their own builds.

Here's one I read all the way through the build at the Sniper Central forum. It's long (8 pages) but it'll give you an idea of what to look forward to. I've done two builds, not a complicated process, I try to do things to simplify the process like buy stocks with bedding blocks to avoid the bedding process.

Here's the thread: http://www.sniperforums.com/forum/rifles/34250-stevens-200-review-tactical-rifle-build-finished.html