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View Full Version : Gunstop Supply

05-16-2013, 05:38 PM
Anyone buying from Gunstop? I was looking at their website & it appeared they had a good supply of bullets. When I called & asked if the website shows the product, does that mean it's in stock?
The response was "yes, most likely." Then the line went dead as in he hung up before I could ask - If you DON"T have it in stock, do you still take my money & send it when you do have it.....

Maybe the guy was having a busy / bad day. Or maybe he was just a schmuck.....

Anyone here buy from them? How were your dealings with them?

I appreciate your input.
Frank in Fla

05-16-2013, 07:41 PM
Well, I think his hanging up on you gives a pretty good indication of how they'd be to do business with if you had a problem and needed a refund or replacement. I'd look elsewhere.

05-16-2013, 07:48 PM
We think alike my friend....
Being in business myself, I wouldn't dream of talking to someone like it was too much trouble. It felt like he couldn't get away from the phone fast enough....

05-16-2013, 08:21 PM
Frank I think your experience there is typical of them. They are located about 45 mins from me and when I started reloading a few years ago I made the trip there with my hard earned money burning a hole in my pocket ready to buy everything I needed. I walked around for about a half hour and they just watched me. I finally asked one question about the lee classic turrent and the guy just rolled his eyes and smerked at one of the regulars like he couldnt believe this punk is wasting my time with simple questions. I walked out and drove to Cabelas bought the Lee and couldn't be happier.

05-16-2013, 08:50 PM
I ordered bullets a few weeks ago and it said instock, couple days later they emailed me they were out of stock. Keep your eye on Third gen shooter supply, they are REAL TIME and show how much is in stok, they had Win Large Rifle primers a couple weeks ago, over 200,000 in stock, gone in 2 days. Peace!

05-16-2013, 09:18 PM
Aaaaaaaaaalllllrighty then....
The general consensus & my instinct (which never fails me except when it comes to women) tells me to spend my money elsewhere.

I appreciate everyone's input.
Frank in Fla

05-17-2013, 03:24 PM
I'd say your first experience with Gunstop was an exception - maybe somebody hit the mute key or dropped the phone. It happens.

I've shopped on-line with John at Gunstop for about 4 years now and he and his staff are exceptionally knowledgeable and provide excellent customer service. They even chased me down while I was traveling once to confirm an oddball order I made that didn't make sense to them - this took 3 phone calls and was way "above and beyond" what one would usually expect.

Give them another try - they're good folks.

05-17-2013, 05:21 PM
The first impression from yesterday was not good. As I mentioned, the guy seemed like it was too much trouble to talk to me & unquestionably hung the phone up as I was going into my 2nd question.

The part that's really el suckerooni is his website lists a full inventory but he's not 100% sure if he's got everything listed. And I don't find it favorable to have money laid up while waiting for an order to show up.

I reckon I'll think about it further.... Thanks for your input.
Frank in Fla

05-20-2013, 08:52 PM
1st impressions are ever lasting.
spend your money elsewhere.....they really could care less about you/your questions. Believe me, there not gonna loose sleep over it either.

05-20-2013, 08:53 PM
Frank I think your experience there is typical of them. They are located about 45 mins from me and when I started reloading a few years ago I made the trip there with my hard earned money burning a hole in my pocket ready to buy everything I needed. I walked around for about a half hour and they just watched me. I finally asked one question about the lee classic turrent and the guy just rolled his eyes and smerked at one of the regulars like he couldnt believe this punk is wasting my time with simple questions. I walked out and drove to Cabelas bought the Lee and couldn't be happier.

smart move

06-02-2013, 08:48 PM
GunStop calls and emails are a waste of time. Been there, done that. Horrible customer service, if you can call it that.

They are RARELY stocking anything these days, but, thats about par for the course with most suppliers I guess.

That said, the owners do know their stuff and have dealt with quite a few shooters over the years. Just don't ask for details as they don't want to spend time talking, just selling.

06-02-2013, 11:59 PM
I ordered bullets a few weeks ago and it said instock, couple days later they emailed me they were out of stock. Keep your eye on Third gen shooter supply, they are REAL TIME and show how much is in stok, they had Win Large Rifle primers a couple weeks ago, over 200,000 in stock, gone in 2 days. Peace!


And they are real shooters. Not just counter jockeys.