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View Full Version : Heard a rumor...

04-01-2013, 11:52 PM

Heard a rumor that all of y'all have given up on shooting prairie dogs.

That y'all have decided to cleanse yourself of your wicked ways.

That now, y'all have sold all your varmint guns and used the money to buy video games.

Is that true ?

If you do have any varmint guns still in the closet that haven't gone down the road yet...

And need a safe place to dispose of them...

Especially 222 Remingtons and 220 Swifts...

And wildcats based on the 219 Donaldson Wasp...


04-02-2013, 03:09 PM
Speaking of rumors,

I heard that you were gored very badly in a charge of multiple bull prairie dogs.

04-02-2013, 05:20 PM

The third bullet in my 500 Linebaugh jumped its crimp and jammed the revolver tight.

I couldn't reach my 585 Nyati.

My backup pocket 1911 Government Model with 230 hardball was all I had as the hordes attacked.

After three magazines I was dry.

If I could have just reached my 585 with its bayonet.

It was terrible.

The sounds of their gnashing teeth.

Nightmares just thinking about it.


04-02-2013, 05:55 PM
Lesser men may not have survived!

04-06-2013, 10:16 PM
Ahaahaa you guys are nuts.....that's the rumor..I heard...

04-07-2013, 07:12 AM
Just rumors man! :p

04-07-2013, 11:02 AM
Well we all know that a 45 acp with 230 grn hardball will blow limbs off, and kill with even a grazing shot, so that should stop even a charging bull prairie dog. At least until you run out of ammo.

04-07-2013, 01:23 PM
Personally for me, 458WM and 44 Magnum back up are bare minimums when hunting those rouge, enraged, bull pdogs. I wouldn't wanna take the risk of defending myself against one that was hit by a 45ACP and is now pissed off. Pdog adrenialin makes them scary beasts....;)

04-07-2013, 01:34 PM
I guess the 20mm Lahti was in the shop for repair at the time. Right ???? ;). Those furry critters are brutal when they sneak up behind you and run up your pant legs.

04-21-2013, 09:27 AM
Was planning a p dog shoot if we do not get our elk tags this fall.
How ever, with ammo - bullets - brass - powder - primers being bassically non existant, I will not be going P dog shooting with the small ammount of ammo I have.
I can not even find Winchester Wildcat 22 LR so I can take my kids out for some beginners practice.
We still have the pellet/bb guns .
That reminds me, I better check to see what I have for bb's and pellets for them.
Is their any bb's on the shelf yet ?
Can you shoot a p dog with with an old pump pellet gun and be effective ?
Would I need to put up a blind ?
Maybe set up close to a water hole.
Shots will need to be under 40 yds with a pump pellet gun.
Maybe I will need to upgrade to one of those new pellet guns from gamo ?
Sure hope this ammo thing settles down.

04-23-2013, 11:06 PM
I have already put about 800 rounds into them out here....so you are hearing voices in yer head again.
I'll put another 8k rounds into them before next snow like last year.

04-24-2013, 08:57 AM
37 days and counting......luckily Boots is packing heat and Johnny was talkiing about bring the .458 so we should be ok if things go bad with a wounded PD bull.

04-24-2013, 01:02 PM
Ahhhh....missed this thread some how...

Working on a new wildcat round just for this application......gonna name it the 500 Hammer Prairie Dog Thumper or the 500 HPDT for short....in honor of our very own Mr. Hammer.

It's a full length 2.66" 375 Ruger basic brass using .50 caliber bullets. Loaded with the 500 grain Hornady bullet it should be a decent PD stopper if you use it right.

It should work as long as you have to nerve to hold your fire until the beasty is within 25 yards and make a clean brain shot......a task that most mortal men will have trouble with.

It is still in the development stage but should be ready very soon.......perhaps in time to help keep the PD hunter casualties down some this year.

It's the one on the far right.......308, 458WSM, 510WSM, 500 HPDT.......yes, they are real. :p

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o276/Apache5000/100_0520_zps7feb240b.jpg (http://s122.photobucket.com/user/Apache5000/media/100_0520_zps7feb240b.jpg.html)

04-26-2013, 09:22 PM
That's an impressive round.

It would be an honor to have such a round with my name on it.

Is that a true solid or a jacketed hollow point ?

If a bullet expands too fast and doesn't penetrate deep, those bull prairie dogs can keep going for a while.


04-26-2013, 11:40 PM
I see we have some Capstick readers in the house

04-27-2013, 04:48 PM
That is true......hollow points and soft points make them madder....then the poor fellow that made the mistake of taking that shot...........oh the horrors!

It's medivac time if he survives the mauling!!!

04-28-2013, 07:14 AM
A true professional always keeps a running chainsaw at hand when hunting bulls. A- good for field dressing, B- good for last line of defense.

04-29-2013, 05:13 PM

My buddy tells me that when he had the larger Stihl saws setting there idling...........He swears it seems like it "calls" them in........perhaps they think another bull has invaded his territory.

The problem is, they come in at full tilt looking for a fight and you can't make a mistake then........also, don't fool yourself into thinking that the saw makes a "good" last line of defense, my buddy tells me he's seen the bigger bulls EAT a Stilh thinking it was an interloper in his territory....(they don't see so well sometimes, thank God)......ran off with the saw still idling in his belly.

My buddy swears it all true........and he doesn't lie or exaggerate. :rolleyes: