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View Full Version : Savage has losted their marbles.......and a customer.

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11-25-2012, 12:45 AM
Somewhere . . . Somehow , there was a liability issue involved. This is why most companies have rules.

Sometimes the insurance companies won't let their insured's (Savage, GM, GE, etc.) sell certain parts on products they produce.

Insurance companies have a lot of control over their insured's. Who advises the insurance companies . . . their staff lawyers.


11-26-2012, 03:03 AM
A couple of years ago I had the fan on my outside air conditioner unit go out. I called the Rheem customer service hotline and asked them about ordering a new fan, they asked if I was "licensed repairman", I said no. They told me they couldn't sell me one unless I was a repairman. I said "it's got three screws holding it and a plug in to connect it, I can swap it out in 30 seconds" but they wouldn't do anything for me. So I went down to the local supply house and bought one there, cost about half what I was going to pay Rheem, came home and in a few minutes had my unit working.

Yea, it's stupid, but it's their way of protecting market share and protecting against lawsuits. If they sold to everyone then gunsmiths would complain about people not coming to them and paying them $100 to swap a bolt head. There are ways around their stupid policy, just order one from midway or brownells.

11-27-2012, 01:58 AM
There are ways around their stupid policy

Yes, But some people never grow past the phase where the first set-back sends them home whining about how the kids next door/ the world "won't play fair" and won't let things happen exactly like they thought they should.

And that's their right. But personally I think it's a sign that they weren't serious about the whole thing to begin with.

If i gave up everytime I had a setback in the things I've tried to accomplish so far i my life, or discovered that I couldn't get something the way I initally thought I could, then none of the things in my life that I am most proud of would have ever been accomplished.


01-27-2013, 01:00 AM
every gun company has parts that are restricted, so do car manufacturers
try to buy any parts from the manufacturer like ford corporate..... ya you dont, you get it from a parts store
aka brownells or midwayusa

01-28-2013, 02:56 PM
I find this interesting cause i had a broken firing pin in my older model 10. It was a large firing pin that they no longer make any more. So i had to get a new bolt head and bolt head pin to fit the new small firing pin. Called savage gave them my gun serial number and sent me all the parts no questions asked. I had to pay for the parts but i still got them direct from savage. And I do not have a ffl. Why would they sell it to me and not someone else unless this is a new policy. I got my stuff back in July.

01-28-2013, 03:28 PM
Yet another worthless thread dug up out of the archives by a new member. If you guys are going to resurrect old threads, at least make it good ones and not temper tantrums like this. lol