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View Full Version : Load? Barrel?Recoil Lug?

09-06-2012, 07:04 AM
I am putting this in this section just to keep it where the other post on this rifle are.
I took the problematic rifle apart on Monday and found a recoil lug that is marked up significantly where it faces the action. The action has no sharp edges that I can find that caused this and everything was tight so there should have been no movement.(after market lug)
I also talked to a fellow at Douglas and after explaining my problem and going through all of what I have done his first response was call the gunsmith, then changed his mind and said to send it in to them and they would check it out to see if they can find a problem.
Between the barrel rep. and the rep from Sierra they both think the load combo tha I have been using should be well below MOA especialy at the 200 yard limit I have been shooting,neither had an idea as to why the shotgun type groups.
Douglas gets the barrel on Friday I get a new CBI on Monday so sometime next week I will have answers to the problems this has given me.I will keep you informed.

09-06-2012, 07:58 AM
Thanks, Froggy. I'd be very interested in seeing what they think the problem is.

09-11-2012, 12:27 PM
Well I spoke to the gentlemen at Douglas this morning, when I asked if there was an issue with the barrel he said there were several and it is no wonder it would not shoot a group.Before he answered though he wanted to know what I used to clean it with and when I said Hoppes he said change to something else because it is a good product to preseve a barrel but not for cleaning. It seems it doesn't clean as well as we think, it leaves behind a lot of carbon.Then he told me the barrel was pitted among a few other issue which he didn't get into.The end result is they are making me a new barrel and I should see it in a few weeks.
On another note I received the new Criterion from NSS yesterday and have it all set and ready for the range. My first impression is quality workmanship, very nicely polished and finish work,now I need to go out and see how it shoots. With any luck that will be tomorrow or the next day.
Wish me luck.

09-11-2012, 12:53 PM
I'm willing to bet that the Criterion will do the job. I sure like mine. Best of luck.

09-11-2012, 01:55 PM
I used to use Hoppes #9 for cleaning, then I realized that it isn't really that effective when compared to other products.