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View Full Version : General Use FAQ's

05-30-2008, 07:31 AM
Below are some of the commonly asked questions regarding the functions and tools on this website.

1. Login Issues
If you are having login issues where the site welcomes you but also takes you to the failed login screen, you will need to clear out your browser's cookie files. Cookie files are used to store your username/password information and sometimes an old/outdated cookie file that wasn't overwritten can cause problems.

2. How do I know when my Team Savage membership will expire?
1. Make sure you are logged into the site.
2. Click "Settings" in the top right corner of any page on the site.
3. Select "Paid Subscriptions" in the left-hand menu.

This will bring you to a page that shows (1) your Active Subscriptions, and (2) currently Available Subscriptions to be purchased. If you have a current (active) subscription it will be displayed under Active Subscriptions including it's start and end dates.

3. What happened to the member classifieds? They were there just a few days ago but now they're gone.
If the member classifieds have disappeared and/or you get a message saying you do not have permission to access that area of the site, you either don't have a Team Savage membership or your membership has expired. To gain/regain access you will need to purchase a team Savage membership.

4. How do I renew my Team Savage membership?
Click on the "Team Savage Membership" button under the SavageShooters.com logo at the top of any page.

5. I just purchased a Team Savage membership through PayPal but I still don't have full access to the member classifieds.
PayPal uses two types of payments (echeck and instant) depending on the account the funds are being drawn from and whether or not your have verified your bank accounts with them. If your account is unverified and the funds are being pulled from a checking or savings accounts, they will be sent in the form of an echeck and will take 3-5 days to clear with PayPal and your membership will not be activated until those funds clear. Funds sent from credit cards, verified accounts, or if you have the funds in your PayPal Account already will be sent instantly and your account status here will generally be updated within a few minutes.

If you have purchased a membership via PayPal and your account hasn't been updated accordingly after 5 days please contact us using the "Contact Us" button in the bottom right corner of any page on the site. Be sure to include the following information in your email:

1. Your real name (or company/persons name that PayPal account is in if different)
2. Your forum username
3. Date payment was sent
4. PayPal Transaction Number

6. Reset my password, but the one supplied doesn't work. Now what?
Passwords are now case-sensitive with the new software. As such, you need to enter the new password exactly as it appears in the email otherwise it won't work. You will also need to keep this in mind when changing your password manually via your profile settings.

...more to come I'm sure.