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View Full Version : Hot/drained/tired & still at it.

06-26-2012, 05:20 PM
Hit a ranch with a pal in CO sat eve-sunday. We did some late eve calling and it was still in the 90s & the coyotes were nice enough to howl back at us and be seen at 900 yards off.

I felt they were saying hey dummy its way to darn hot & humid to move from here in the nice cool drainage area and the 6 of us you see & hear are staying put till it cools down.

We call to about 1230 am in different spots around the ranch. Had counted 9 sets of eyes with the green laser nite lite, but they also stayed 300 yards off. They were pretty vocal though.

Sunday we are up at 4 am & set up glassing and had 2 come up behind us about 10 min into a set making no sounds yet, they winded us & busted out. We circled a 1/2 mile to where they feed up into the other ranch and caught one in the open at 200 yds in which my pal nicely shot over down in the gully. We left the area at 7am as it was already in the 90s.

We decided to drive the ranches 2 tracks for spot & stalk.

The rancher was coming up one trail and we were at a finger and saw a nice coyote at 100yds trying to decide where to go as it looked back & forth at both trucks, it walked off slowly.

We got out to stalk it and coming up a deepish arryo we see a coyote skylined at about 200 yds. but it lookes like ol Mr Mangys twin as its not the same one we just saw. As we are standing with just our heads over the crest I look to my right and sure enough see the other one laying next to a large yucca shrub in the shade. I crawl to the lip of the crest and of course its all cactus in the spot as I crawl & get stuck a ton. My pal stayed and watched it as I was to low to see it then and as it stood up and I dropped it at 120 yds with my 6x45 at 750 am. When we got back to it with my camera at 11am it was already cooking & smeeling bad.

We stalk 2 others in the same area, my pal misses another at 200yds and we decide its to hot/humid to bother wasting our energy on any more Sunday. By noon I had drunk a gallon of water and 6 sodas and was still drained!

The smoke from the fires over in Ft Collins was still blasting smoke all the way to the area we were at.

I may be done for the year...maybe!

06-28-2012, 01:14 PM
Nice ones !!!