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06-04-2012, 08:14 PM
First off, a big thank you to rinodods and 5spd for making this DIY prairie dog event happen !!

Meeting up with Johnny in Denver on Thursday, we grabbed a rental and headed north to Wyoming. You might be surprised how well a Toyota Yaris does off road. ;D

We packed about a mile in, then set up with the ARs over the first town.

All was well until the locals showed up to see what all the noise was about

First blood for the ARs

A couple of pronghorn we saw on the way in.

Heading into Colorado, we arrived at our hotel at 1:30am (3:30am our time), grabbed a few quick winks and met up with Ryan and Boots at 5:00am. We were set up on the first town by 6:00am...more on that later.
Boots, Ryan and me......"do you see any?"

Town #2 gave our rifles a chance to stretch their legs, the closest hill was 330 yards. My longest hit ranged at 493 yards, John's was 453, Boots scored a double back flipper at 405 yards. Ryan had the longest of the day, 660 yards and exploded it with his first shot at him.
Three more towns, two wild storms, some crazy-good BBQ, piles of prairie dogs, spend ammo and endless laughs made for a great time !!

Boots stopped this rouge bull ground squirrel before it could charge us.

After hitting the fence THREE times, I got to learn a new skill....

Yeah, these go through your shooting mat.

The mayhem

06-04-2012, 10:12 PM
I might be able to send a pdog to the grave out there in one shot with the 260 Dave but hats off to busting barbed wire with a .223 three times in one day. You'll never live that down. Thanks to you all for dragging me out of the house for a couple of days. I needed a little shoot-cation.

06-04-2012, 10:36 PM
That was a great trip. Glad I was able stop that charging bull ground squirrel, he had the look of death in his eyes. ;)

I can't believe you caught me in that 2nd to last pic there, me trying to nail that one on the last town that snuck up on us as where were packing up. I can't believe he let me get that close to try a shot with the LCP.

Glad you were there Dave, to save us all from the attack of the barbed wire fences. :D

That one at Town #2 (#1 for me) that kept teasing me out past 600yds lived to die another day, but he sure did get a lot of dirt in his eyes. I just can't believe he kept popping up for me to send off 8 or 9 shots at him. That mirage was really saving him.

Thanks to all 3 of you guys for inviting me along, and again to rinodods for being such a hospitable host. Glad I was able to share in the Massacre, and I am looking forward to someday when we can do it again.

06-04-2012, 10:41 PM
If I was trying to hit the wire...I'd never have been able to.

Hey Ryan....I think I might have left a prairie dog skull in your truck.

06-04-2012, 11:32 PM
I am glad you got to pop off a bunch of the pests in CO & up here in WY without to much of a headache once you all arrived.
Good shooting & pictures!

06-05-2012, 07:06 AM
From what I can see......it looks like Boots may have saved all of your lives. You owe him dinner big time. And judging from the looks of Boots.....the word "diet" is not in his vocabulary!!! ;D Bring your wallet!!!

06-05-2012, 08:15 AM
Seriously....Ryan probably did save our lives.

Sat morning he picked us up at the hotel, a block up the road a green Nissan ran a red light and almost broadsided us at about 60 mph. Ryan's driving skills and quick reactions avoided the accident by no more than an arm's length.

Boots is just a born killer, looking for a fight. That rogue bull had death in his eyes. :D

06-05-2012, 10:25 PM
Sat morning he picked us up at the hotel, a block up the road a green Nissan ran a red light and almost broadsided us at about 60 mph. Ryan's driving skills and quick reactions avoided the accident by no more than an arm's length.

Probably a good thing that happened before you guys picked me up. My added weight may have made that turn out differently. :o

And judging from the looks of Boots.....the word "diet" is not in his vocabulary!!! ;D

Oh yes, I know the word, I just choose to not do activities whose name uses the word "Die" as their base-------DIET ;D ;D ;D

06-07-2012, 12:19 PM
358 days to go ;D

06-07-2012, 02:05 PM
358 days to go ;D

I'm tellin ya......Boot's is eating one less bit per day.....so in 358 days.....when he saves your no good hides again.....your gonna have to pay for his dinner AGAIN....and that's gonna cost you those 358 "catch-up" bites he's been waiting for!!! ;D

06-07-2012, 04:54 PM
358 days to go ;D

Not for me...every 5-6 days. Rounds dropped into them as of today is a tad short of 1600. Put another 270 into them Sunday. Glad I loaded up the other 1300 or so I have been slacking on. I must keep 3k rounds loaded or Im going to be shell poor! Nice to live in the middle of them though.

06-07-2012, 08:57 PM
Nice !!! Wish I was there with ya, I could spend a whole lot of time on those ridges, absolutely awesome !!!

06-07-2012, 09:35 PM
Nice !!! Wish I was there with ya, I could spend a whole lot of time on those ridges, absolutely awesome !!!

I am already missing the wide open space and all the little targets.

06-07-2012, 11:22 PM
May have to get a .338 of some kind together for next year. I felt a little under gunned as usual. ;D You are right boots the wide open space is fun to shoot in. I think most people that argue the ethics of shooting long range probably don't get the concept because they haven't been in the environment. I wouldn't take a long shot without the proper stability, conditions and practice but training by shooting little pdogs at unknown distance is a great way to train up. With the right data collected and trigger time some great shots can be made. Just really gotta know the equipment in practice and not just in theory. I hope you can make the trip again one of these days. Can't wait to hear what you cook up for your future pdog killer.

06-08-2012, 06:41 PM
....together for next year....
Large caliber side arms!

06-08-2012, 07:57 PM
....together for next year....
Large caliber side arms!

Hafta throw in the 44 Mag next year. :o ;D :o ;D

06-09-2012, 05:12 PM
Be sure that have a 200 yard zero for that. ;D

06-17-2012, 12:09 PM
Got my CO. "trophy" mounted. ;D


06-17-2012, 01:44 PM
Very Nice

06-17-2012, 02:48 PM
....together for next year....
Large caliber side arms!

Hafta throw in the 44 Mag next year. :o ;D :o ;D


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D