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View Full Version : Pa. Savageshooters deer huntin get together

12-04-2009, 11:21 PM
Yep.. We've been saying we were gonna do it for a couple years now, but tomorrow it will happen. EFBell and I are getting up in the wee hours tomorrow morning(4 hrs from now for me ::)) to travel up and do some deer hunting with PaHog. Hopefully we will score some deer meat, but we are sure to have a great day.

Of course all of us will be shooting Savages, although I am bringin my 870 slug gun along as a back-up.

The forecast is calling for low to mid 30's all day with scattered flurries, switching over to all snow. Should be an interesting 100mile ride back home ;).

Gotta get some sleep now, but we'll report back on how we made out.

12-04-2009, 11:48 PM
Here's hoping you guy's have some luck

12-05-2009, 12:02 AM
Good luck guys, lookin forward to the report.

pa hog
12-05-2009, 07:23 PM
Here's how our day started:

Here's how it ended:


We got skunked but me and Ed each saw two Doe. I had a great time with these guys can't wait to hunt some Groundhogs with them this spring!!!

12-05-2009, 08:02 PM
So you guy's got skunked BUT at least you got to play in the snow together

12-05-2009, 09:07 PM
Had a great time, not the first hunt i got skunked and probably wont be the last. Them deers are edgumacated up in them thar hills. They now when to get out of the snow.

Sitting home warming my bones and having a cup of hot java.

Justin, thanks for having us up and a big thanks to your dad for the hospitality. I look forward to the groundhog hunting.

12-05-2009, 09:13 PM
My self had to put off hunting this year as still having back problems and looks like i will have to have some surgery to make things right

12-06-2009, 09:47 AM
Had a great time. I didnt see any deer but for me it was all about getting out with some friends and doing some hunting. Shooting a deer woulda been a bonus. It was well worth the 120mi drive.

Thanks justin for havin us up, and thanks to your Dad and relatives for letting us fit in with their hunt. Cant wait for groundhog season.

01-30-2019, 04:29 AM
Nice thing about going through old threads - you stumble across some old familiar names you don't see posting often anymore. Whatever happened to you members of the Eastern PA Savaholics Anonymous Club?

11-29-2020, 05:29 PM
Lol just saw this Jim! I’m still here and on the site many times a day. Post every now and then and still do some buying and selling. Actually sitting in the woods with my one of my many Savages as we speak. Normally use my Savage 220, but am trying to get on the board with a model16 with a shortened 308 barrel. It’s still a virgin(for kills, not for being tinkered with..lol).

This thread brought back some good memories! That day was a lot of fun. And a very sketchy drive back home I might add...lol

i really miss those Savageshoots! Was a ton of work to put together but all worth it once the day came! Nothing a like a row of 40 benches full of Savages, 20-30 guys and gals(most whom were members here), and with guests like Joel Russo and Montour County Rifles coming out and showing off some of their work! Wish we could do some more of those. Not sure how many Pa guys we have here now.

Blue Avenger
12-21-2021, 10:24 PM
I know Ed wants to try my 28 Nosler striker someday! ROFLMAO