View Full Version : Stoopid question of the day....

03-28-2012, 12:38 PM
Is there any noteable difference between a 1" diameter scope tube & a 30mm tube? What's the reasoning behind 2 different diameter tubes?

All my scopes are 1". I'm patiently waiting for the UPS guy to come by with my new Vortex Econo - Scope from CameraLand in NY.
I had to get 30mm rings to go with it.

Sombody enlighten me. I thirst for knowledge ???

Frank in Fla ;)

03-28-2012, 12:58 PM
Technically there is, but there isn't. You see, a 30mm tube allows for more travel (bigger tube = more room), but there are some cases where a 30mm scope has less travel, Such as the Weaver tactical 4-20 which has 55 MOA of travel, and an old Bushnell 1" scope that I have that has 65 MOA of travel.

That said, thats really the only difference you should see, a 30mm tube should have more travel than a 1" tube, and a 35mm tube should have more travel than a 30mm tube.

03-28-2012, 01:58 PM
AHhhhhh... OK, I get it.

It's the same only different, right?

I kinda sorta figured it had something to do with amount of travel or maybe my feeble & ever - failing memory is trying to recall something I read a while back.

Greater diameter = greater amount of available room to move one direction or another. Or, am I on the wrong track?...

Frank in Fla. ;)

03-28-2012, 06:58 PM
Right track!

03-28-2012, 07:38 PM
I seem to recall reading something about the larger diameter permits more light to pass thru hence, a clearer, brighter image.
Does that fit into this equasion?

Or was somebody BSing me on that?

Can't wait to get my new scope. Rings came a few minutes ago. I like the Weaver "Skeleton"4 screw type. I think they provide good holding power. It seems the one time you have a scope slip, even a tiny bit, you try to do everything possible to prevent future slippages.

ANyway...they look really cool, too ;)

03-29-2012, 06:46 AM
fgw, from what I can recall tube size has nothing to do with light transmission.
Tube size allows for more travel(sometimes) and supossidly heavier & stronger erector parts.
For a full explination go to www.opticstalk.com and search the topic or ask the question, like here many in the know about optics over there.
I like you sometimes show my age when CRS travels from brian to fingers.

03-29-2012, 12:22 PM
Hey Froggie....
Much thanx for the input. It is appreciated. Although I'm knowledgeable in alot of shooting/ reloading/ optic subjects, I still have much to learn & depend on folks like yourself for good & trustworthy info.

Now.... If only I could remember how to use this computer.... ::) ::) ::)

Frank in Fla ;)

03-29-2012, 05:38 PM
It's a metrics deal.

The USA and UK use inches and the rest of the world uses metrics. We eventually settled on one inch and Europe settled on 30mm as we all like nice round numbers.

BTW, you can use bushings on the 30mm rings to convert to 1 inch if you ever need to.

03-30-2012, 06:11 AM
JCalhoun...... BUSHINGS?!?!?!

There's bushings I can get to put a 30mm scope in a 1" tube?

I did not know that... And, I do now. Unfortunatly, I bought a new 30mm scope & only have 1" rings. I don't suppose anyone makes bushings to put a 30mm scope in a 1" tube, do they? ::)

Anyway, That's good information. I'll keep that tid bit of info in that part of my brain that has the longest & strongest memory. The part of my brain that reminds me to breathe, heartbeat, etc... :o

Thanks for the heads up on that. I wonder how's the fit & alignment with the transition of the 2 sizes....

Thanks, folks.

Frank in Fla ;)

03-30-2012, 06:32 AM
There's bushings I can get to put a 30mm scope in a 1" tube?

I did not know that... And, I do now. Unfortunatly, I bought a new 30mm scope & only have 1" rings. I don't suppose anyone makes bushings to put a 30mm scope in a 1" tube, do they? ::)

I'm confused. I'm not familiar with the vortex econo. Is is a 1" tube or a 30mm? What Jody was saying is that there are bushings you can use to seat a 1" scope tube in a set of 30mm rings. You can't put a 30mm tube in 1" rings. There is a noticeable size difference from a 1" tube to a 30mm. I'm thinking you already understand that, and maybe your question at the beginning of the last post was mis-worded.(?)

03-30-2012, 12:46 PM
There's bushings I can get to put a 30mm scope in a 1" tube?

Other way around - you can put bushings in 30mm rings to fit a 1" tube.

03-30-2012, 01:20 PM

03-30-2012, 05:09 PM
I know guys... It's my feeble attempt at humor / sarcasm. Anyway, It's the $129 special from CameraLand. I got the Votex Crossfire in 8x - 32x - 50mm A.O.

Pretty nice piece of glass. Nice clear glare free glass. I just got it mounted with my new Weaver 4 screw "Skelton" rings. It's already laser sighted, leveled & ready to print 'em up at the 200yd line.

First thing tomorrow as it's my birthday & I'm turning off my phone & spending the day shooting guns, talking about guns & being around guns with men. Were men & this is what we do and dang it, i'm doing it tomorrow ;)

Thanx for the info guys. I'll let y'all know if that Crossfire survives my 30.06 handloads.

Frank "A little older" in Fla. ;)