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03-20-2012, 07:36 PM
Ok, so I normally try to avoid them at all costs.

One was tearing up the yard last year and i've seen him a few nights now.

So.....never having dispatched one before......if you shoot one, do they spray when they die ?? Or do they just drop ??

03-20-2012, 07:50 PM
"Do THEY spray?"
"Do THEY just drop?"

What are you planning on shooting them with.
My 25-06 causes all things internal to be external. So they stink, but not a purposeful spray.
The only time one "dropped" was with a fmj going slow. I didn't hit the stinky parts, but the head.

03-20-2012, 08:05 PM
I'd say you have a 50/50 chance....

They'll either spray or they won't ;D

03-20-2012, 08:39 PM
Only one sure way to keep a skunk from smelling...Hold his nose!

Seriously, Its a gamble. Do you feel lucky?


03-20-2012, 08:42 PM
Figuring on using my 17HMR

03-20-2012, 08:43 PM
Only one sure way to keep a skunk from smelling...Hold his nose!

;D LOL !!!

big honkin jeep
03-20-2012, 08:46 PM
I wish I could be of more help but I never tried turning one off like a switch. I would say you better make the head shot count.
I'm pretty sure the answer to any question involving a pole cat is RUN!

03-20-2012, 09:54 PM
So I guess the key is to shoot it in my neighbor's yard ??

03-20-2012, 10:01 PM
Voice of experience speaking.
Yes, they stink to high heaven when shot in the head (execution style, close range).

Use your google fu and do some more research. There are a number of ways that some people on the internet say will allow you to dispatch a skunk without it spraying. I can not vouch for any of them.

03-21-2012, 02:23 PM
A guy that removes them for a living told me they catch them in a live trap and then sneak up behind them and cover the entire trap with a blanket. They can then by moved by picking up the live trap. Claims they dont spray. Said hes done this numerous times. If it were me id use a blanket id no longer expect to get back ;D You can then open the door elsewhere and dispatch it there. Or drop it in water slightly higher than the trap.

03-21-2012, 03:24 PM
My buddy went through this a couple of years ago,skunks infested his barn. After it was all over we trapped over 20 in a few months time.

Everyone one of them no matter where they were shot sprayed,one actually sprayed 5 minutes later after my buddy went back in his barn to check it out,he came out stinking.

We took a live trap and wrapped it with a tarp and bungie cord so that the ends were still open and worked,placed dog food inside and dang near everyday we hauled one off somewhere else and shot it. We never had one spray in the trap while carrying it or riding in the back of the truck.

My buddy did get sprayed once because the skunk ate through the bungie cord and when he was moving it to open it up the wind took the tarp off,skunk got a good look at him and it was all over.

03-21-2012, 05:24 PM
So I guess the key is to shoot it in my neighbor's yard ??

Now you are getting the hang of it ;D

03-22-2012, 08:20 PM
My neighbor bought a fancy electronic skunk trap.....it's pretty darn cool and prevents them from being able to spray.

Pretty sure it cost more than a 17gr VMax though. ;D

03-24-2012, 08:45 PM
Lure him out to the highway, and borrow you buddy's truck and run him over. If you are more rural, dig a pit trap. Shot him in the pit and cover him with dirt.

04-03-2012, 10:27 AM
Remington 870 12 ga. ........ one ounce of 7 1/2 shot right in side like you've no better sense and you'll take TWO skunks without spraying!

Now, this probably has more to do with beginers luck!

My wife (then girl friend) shot a pair of skunks on a cat food bait and outdoor light I set up for her. She had NEVER killed so much as a mouse (other than trapping or baiting) before and did a TWO'FER without a hint of spray her first time out with a gun for blood!

(I was REAL careful approaching her place unannounced after that!!!)

Yes sir, real CAREFUL!!

Three 44s

04-03-2012, 12:11 PM
Head shot should do it, was working in a store at the cornor of a strip mall and toured the end of the day got a phone call from the dress shop across the way to look out our front door what was there were THREE SKUNKS fighting over a ice cream cone on the ground.
These skunks were trying to get to the ice cream cone and were bearing their teeth (and what long teeth they had) finally the biggest one chased off the other two and chowed down on the ice cream.

04-03-2012, 08:01 PM
I'm counting my blessings as I haven't seen him around for some time now.....hoping he's moved on.

Grit #1
04-05-2012, 11:48 PM
Catch it in a have-a-heart, cover it as suggested.Then drown it in a creek or pond. I have done this 30 or 40 times over the years and I have never had one spray while it was drowning. Even if it did it would be under water.
Best regards,

04-08-2012, 09:41 PM
THe only skunk problem I have ever had was solved with a 50gr v-max from a .223. He was far enough away and in the middle of a field so I didn't mind if he was going to spray. I took a chest shot, and he was dead right there. Didnt spray. And the bullet didn't cause its own "spray". I don't know if it would happen again, but it sure seemed like it worked for me. I might think twice though if I were right on top of him or if he were near the house...

Good Luck

Nor Cal Mikie
04-09-2012, 09:30 AM
If you catch one in a "covered" live trap, move the trap WAY out in the open. Either turn the critter loose or as it comes out of the trap, pop it. The smell is strong enough (and you don't have to be THAT close) to soak into your close. Pretty powerfull stuff. Strong enough to take your breath away. :o