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View Full Version : Bolt handle swap between 110 and Axis

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10-01-2012, 06:23 PM
so will the 10/100 handle knob work on axis or not? I registered on this board just to ask this question, please respond! Also if the 10 handle doesnt work does anyone sell over sized knob for Axis?

Thanks in Advance

10-01-2012, 06:46 PM
Evidently you don't read so well or have a lack of comprehension. The answer is NO.

10-01-2012, 07:06 PM
Evidently you don't read so well or have a lack of comprehension. The answer is NO.

WoW are you always such an ass or only to new members? I have read the whole thread and more people said that it works and few said that it didn't, isn't it what the forums are for?

10-01-2012, 07:18 PM
Your stay here will likely be a short one Alee.

If Sharpshooter says something pertaining to Savage rifles you'd be wise to heed his advice.

10-01-2012, 07:43 PM
I was really hoping somebody was going to say it helped because of length / mechanical advantage...

One of my Edgie Wedgies needs a cheater bar to lift the bolt handle. I've tried everything I could to loosen or soften the lift - No joy... I 'spose it'll wear in & loosen eventually.

I had someone modify the handle on my .243 by giving it a "tactical" look which increased the length. That helped immensly. I guess I need to see if it can be done on an Edge.

And thomae beat me to the "decock the bolt before removing the BAS" recommendation. And, please don't forget to catch you finger in it when you cock it on the bench. It's something you'll only do once. Ever.
It hurts so bad, I couldn't think of anything to scream. After I got my skin out from under the cocking button, I think I may have invented a few new curse words.

Frank in Fla

10-01-2012, 07:45 PM

I popped off to type a post and all bejinkies breaks loose.

10-01-2012, 08:20 PM
Your stay here will likely be a short one Alee.

If Sharpshooter says something pertaining to Savage rifles you'd be wise to heed his advice.

I know Im new on this board but it doesn't give the mod right to talk to me in that way... basically calling me retarded.

Before I posted on here Ive googled this topic for over 30 mins and couldn't find anything besides this thread with no certain answer, so I asked.

10-01-2012, 09:17 PM
Well really this thread is kinda confusing

Blue Avenger
10-01-2012, 10:03 PM
Really? I read the second post and had the answer.

10-01-2012, 11:33 PM
Yeah then in post #6 sharpshooter says it bolts on but don't work. ??????

But I don't really care so ohwell

10-02-2012, 12:04 AM

I just replaced the one on my Axis with the larger Savage version and it does indeed work. It also softened up the lift a little. I am really pleased with the way it turned out, and the way it looks/operates. It does hit the stock a little, but it's nothing that can't be ignored, or fixed with a file or some sandpaper. Or just don't look at it... I hope this helps, and I hope to see a new group of Axis rifles with huge bolt handles soon!! I got mine on sale at Brownells for 18.00 dollars, so it's definitely not going to break the bank as well.


10-02-2012, 02:45 AM
You will also find out it has no primary extraction.....do you know what that is?

short round
10-02-2012, 03:45 AM
It will work fine, just be sure to have something handy to beat the bolt open, after round is fired & bolt wont open.

10-02-2012, 07:26 AM
I CAN Not agree more with sharpshooter, it will feel as if it works , with no fired cartridge in the chamber, once you actually fire a cartridge and try using a 110 bolt handle you will NEED A FAIRLY large dead blow mallet to extract your case each time you fire. It would ruin your range day, and may destroy your extractor by using more energy than needed for extraction .

10-02-2012, 10:17 AM
Just because something fits, doens't make it right, correct, or even safe. As mentioned by many other is that an Axis rifle and an 110 style rifle have a COMPLETE DIFFERENT DESIGN in regards to primary extraction. It almost the same thinking as "Gasoline is too expensive, I hear that laquer thiner is flammable, so I would fill my take up full of laquer thiner becuse it is cheaper." To add to this, look at the pictures heck the dang thing dont even look right on there, the outside diameter of the 110 bolt handle is much bigger than the diamiter of the Axis reciever. If your realy desperate for a diferent bolt handle for your Axis, why not make one. Buy an extra bolt handel, grind the ball or end down, thread it, and srew on a Pacific tool knob, or a plastic knob that can be purchased at a hardware store like Lowes. At least this way you will get something that looks right, and functions properly. http://shop.pacifictoolandgauge.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=4_83

Going back to the question, "Does a 110 Savage bolt handle work on an Axis?" The answer is NO. The reason is it is a diferent design, and will not have ANY primary extraction wich is needed to pop fired case free from the chamber. Just because it fits, doen't mean that it works. With that said the answer is NO it will not work.

10-02-2012, 11:46 AM
I'm really sorry if I posted anything upsetting to anyone, I put the handle on and it seemed to work fine, I fired 100 rounds through it Saturday and I only had one round stick. It was an old lacquer coated silver bear .223. All the other rounds fired and ejected just fine. Even the one that did stick came out with very little effort after I let it cool down a bit. I was running them through there at a pretty good pace. I didn't mean to put out any misinformation, and I'm sorry if I did. I was just going off of my personal experience with the handle, and how it worked for me. Thanks,


10-02-2012, 04:49 PM
I'm really sorry if I posted anything upsetting to anyone, I put the handle on and it seemed to work fine, I fired 100 rounds through it Saturday and I only had one round stick. It was an old lacquer coated silver bear .223. All the other rounds fired and ejected just fine. Even the one that did stick came out with very little effort after I let it cool down a bit. I was running them through there at a pretty good pace. I didn't mean to put out any misinformation, and I'm sorry if I did. I was just going off of my personal experience with the handle, and how it worked for me. Thanks,


Are we all even talking about the same thing here??

Maybe the folks that said it works mean that they were able to swap factory handle for 10/110 model handle with over sized knob on Axis' existing bolt and the ones that say it will not work think that we want to swap and use a complete bolt assembly from the 10/110 model in our Axis rifles?

10-02-2012, 05:24 PM
No we understand , the 110 oversize or any 110 bolt knob (handle) will fit on an axis it is just designed COMPLETELY different as far as primary extraction ,gas venting(diverting) . The only similiar part is the knob , ball on its end .
Hope this helps , GARY

10-02-2012, 05:44 PM
I just now tried it. Your friend is correct. The Savage 10/100 bolt handle (mine is the larger Savage bolt handle from a 10FCM) fits and functions on the Axis. On mine, it appears to clear the scope by approximately the same amount as the factory Axis handle.

The only down side, for those interested in aesthetics, is that the cutouts on the side of the bolt handle opposite the handle are not covered up by the rear baffle as they are on the Savage 10/100 series bolts.

The Axis bolt handle does not function on my Savage 10 bolt.

I hope this helps.

Are we all even talking about the same thing here??

Maybe the folks that said it works mean that they were able to swap factory handle for 10/110 model handle with over sized knob on Axis' existing bolt and the ones that say it will not work think that we want to swap and use a complete bolt assembly from the 10/110 model in our Axis rifles?Ok, everyone, that was me replying in post 2 back in February 2012. The Savage bolt knob will in fact bolt on to the Axis bolt. It will lift the bolt, but if you look closely (which I admit that I did not do until after Sharpshooter made his comment about primary extraction), the primary extraction ramp is in a different place on the Axis when compared to the traditional Savage/Stevens bolt. You can shoot and perhaps, like HANDYANDY, not have a problem extracting some of your brass. However, sooner or later, (especially with hot handloads) you may have brass stuck and without the additional leverage that the factory primary extraction ramps give you, it may prove very difficult to extract that brass. When I said what I said in post number 2, I had not shot the Axis rifle with the Savage bolt handle on it. I put the Savage handle on the Axis, took photos, and then took it off.

No one is calling HANDYANDY a liar or disputing his own experiences. No one is suggesting that the entire bolt assembly can be switched, either. What is clear is that although the Savage bolt handle can be successfully bolted on to the Axis bolt, it will not provide the primary extraction necessary to aid in extracting spent brass after firing. That is what Sharpshooter, Gmac5, and 82Boy have posted. There should be nothing confusing in this. It may not be the answer that one or more forum members wish to hear, but it is the correct answer.

You may do what you will; that does not change the answer to the original question.

I hope this helps.

FWIW: Sharpshooter is not some kind of Savage God...but he has a great deal of knowledge, has much practical experience, and I have learned a lot from him. (Edit: Please don't misinterpret that last sentence...it is meant as a strong compliment.)

10-02-2012, 05:52 PM
FWIW: Sharpshooter is not some kind of Savage God...but he has a great deal of knowledge, has much practical experience, and I have learned a lot from him.

No he isn't but the only guy who may know more about the intricacies of the Savage 110/10 is Nicholas Brewer and he's long dead.