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View Full Version : removing a accutrigger

11-03-2011, 01:01 AM
Not very long ago I found a thread that had videos posted on how to remove and re-install a accutrigger and safety but I can't seem to find it again. I am getting all my prep work done for a bedding job and would like to remove the accutrigger just so I do not have to mess with it during the bedding process. Can anyone help?


11-03-2011, 10:16 PM
brad, Some here will suggest leaving the trigger in place & protecting with tape to prevent bedding mtrl. ooze. I prefer to remove. Can't help w/ a video recomm...... Take a good look at the trigger assy. It'll be pretty obvious which parts need to be removed 1st to disassemble. It's the re-assembley that can be difficult. Take pics of each stage of dis-assembley & re-assemble in reverse order. ..... When you re-assemble use a punch to line up the holes of the trigger bracket & the sear/bolt release lever then use the mounting pin to push the the punch out of the trigger assy. Can't take pics? make a rough drawing of each stage of dis assemble. Use a large zip lock bag over the trigger group while dis assembling & work through it. This will keep springs & pins from flying off into the great unknown. If you can take on the bedding job you can definitly R&R the trigger group. If you get into a "tight" just ask here. ;)

11-05-2011, 01:12 PM
The above link is to my post on this same topic.
Bottom line- knowing as I do now how easy the trigger is to remove and reinstall I would never attempt to bed without removing it. Pay close attention to the orientation of the springs, as getting these back in correctly is critical (but not terribly difficult). Then just go for it and push out the main pin. Be sure to keep all the parts together until you're ready to reassemble- a ziplock bag is good for this. Also if you have another Savage with the Accu-trigger around when you reassemble, you can look at it to familiarize yourself with the position of the various parts. Not that hard though - just do it.

11-07-2011, 12:31 PM
Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for


11-07-2011, 01:13 PM
After reassembly be sure to thoroughly function test it, on an empty chamber of course, to make sure the safety functions correctly before using it with live ammo. Common sense, I know, but still....