View Full Version : Full Length Sizing vs Neck Sizing

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10-27-2011, 02:25 PM
@ 82boy - You're right about polishing the expander button. After I chucked it up in a drill, turned it holding a piece of 220 paper on, I kept measuring it to reduce the diameter by .0015 to .002. After getting it where I wanted it, I started with 400 & then to another polishing paper I couldn't read the info on because I spilled something on it, then to crocus cloth. Lastly, a little steel wool & it worked pretty good. No complaints except for having to find a different charge weight from the increase in tension. Although I never checked the runout (other than rolling the shell across the birch wood bench top) it makes good sense when you mentioned about the button being rough & dragging thru the neck. I noticed a difference right away even though the necks are now tighter. The increased tension on the bullet from the reduced diameter helps greatly with inconsistant bullets. I have had brand new Noslers seem like brand X with the way they fit. The original button diameter would hold about 98.9356% of the bullets. There was always a few oddballs that would slip in very easily. I even had one that fit so loosely, when I chambered the round with the bolt, it got hung up when the bullet got shoved into the case.
Anyway, thanks for all the info folks. I gotta load up a few for tomorrows shooting excusion. I alway try to knock off early on Friday so I can go shooting while the range is uninhabited. Weekend I sometimes spend more time shooting the BS with the old timers instead of shooting my guns.
Thanks again.