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View Full Version : How many pdogs....way to many!

06-08-2011, 08:25 PM
Went out to the ranch and started shooting at 630 am today. They were out every place by the hundred of thousands if not more.
I shot 150 rounds by 8am in one spot off the back of the truck on my table. I moved 150 yards up the fenceline and shot another 100+ rounds, then took the 200 rounds I had left and walked about 250 yards into the field to a rise that overlooks a spot/valley I cant see from the back of the truck and shot the rest from that spot. It was nothing but load & shoot, load n shoot. I was running a round every few seconds it seemed.
I bought both .223 Savages, my FP10 & 12FV in .223, they got hot and I swapped till one cooled , then shot the other. When I was in the field shooting prone it was just the FP10, had no time to let it cool unless I was glassing around.
Nothing but bam...splat, splat...bam splat, splat, splat.
I did not have to shoot further than 200 yds at all, & they were swarming beyond that as far as one can see, and out there its about a mile +/-.
I stopped counting doubles/triples/quads & quints at 37. I had them flying in all directions.
I left at 145 pm when I ran out of ammo (470 rounds shot) and they were still out all over. I did not make it beyond a 600 yard square area and everytime I shot one I had 6-10 in the field of view. They are dumb as heck right now and the little ones are in the thousands. Most mounds had no less than 6 running all over them.
If there would of been 20 of us along the fence line we would of hardly made a dent in them. Every valley was packed full & still are.
Since March I have run a tad over 3000 rounds into them and it looks like I have not shot one.
One thing is a given & thats the local coyotes will be feed very well this year ...AGAIN!

06-08-2011, 09:13 PM
would you like to adopt me ?

06-08-2011, 09:29 PM
I just got back from my second trip of the year. Dogs in west Texas are very, very thin this year, about 10% of what I am used to normally seeing. I shot less than 250 rounds in two days on each trip, and a lot of those rounds were spent chasing the few dogs that we saw "way out there" in the distance. I assume that the drought has reduced the number of dogs that we are seeing.

What part of the country are you shooting in?


06-08-2011, 09:42 PM
I had a shoot like that in Kansas in 2000. I kept three rifles hot. I went to the same place last year and shot 300 rds in two days. Good for you 5spd.


06-08-2011, 09:43 PM
What part of the country are you shooting in? Keith

In the Cheyenne WY areas.
Darned about your trip being short on Targets.

rajan1....Heck I cant even get permission for pals that live up here on the places I have access as it is.